Comments from dancing grandma

Date Story title Comment
2010-06-24 11:46:39 Mother's Confession That was one hell-of-a hot story. I can imagine the pleasure of giving that young man the thrill of his lifetime. Keep going on more stories.
2010-07-18 23:50:28 Widow Neighbor That was one hellofa story. Just hot hot hot.
I hope you continue and I hear about a three-sum.
Keep this activitty going, thanks
2010-07-19 00:03:54 Widow Neighbor - Revisited A great follow up chapter from the first good story.
What a fantastic lifestyle. The kind most men dream about.
Too bad it had to end. But life goes on.
I hope you and the wife find more pleasure as you travel the
country and/or world.
2010-08-30 00:07:15 Best Friends_(1) One hot story, I hope you have more.
2010-08-30 00:16:49 THE GIRL GUIDE Now there is a story that got me soaking wet !!!!!!!!!!!