Comments from greencarnage13

Date Story title Comment
2009-11-23 12:57:53 Preteen years with brother 3 i loved ur story, that had happen 2 me n my sister 2, n that was along time ago, i did fuck her n i came all up in her, but i always told her 2 go n pee it out, n we been having sex for about 5 month, n than stop when i got a girlfriend. But man i loved every pit of it, my sister still calls me n tells me that she will never 4 get it n that she love me. Hope 2 hear the rest of ur story.
2009-11-25 07:09:38 Truth or Dare_(6) loved ur story.
2010-11-29 04:02:47 Abi my 17 year old beauty - Part 1 sound really good im going to read part 2
2010-11-29 04:03:31 Abi my 17 year old beauty - Part 1 sound really good im going to read part 2
2010-11-29 04:23:53 Abi, my 17 year old beauty - Part 3 wow great story like it.