Comments from glyn613

Date Story title Comment
2016-05-17 02:02:23 The Summer Job I'll Never Forget - Part 3 You have a point, but, you have to remember what the "poor boy" Robert, has to gain by staying with her.........he has a farm to gain....wealth.....he just has to marry her........I know people that have done the same thing for a whole lot less.
2016-05-28 05:15:48 Obsession, Lust and Perversion Hi're pretty perceptive, have you figured out who the story is about yet? Alisha, not her real name, is a very close friend of mine and is giving me info to write about....she is as real as the day is
2016-06-29 17:12:23 Obsession, Lust & Perversion - Chapters 12, 13, 14 Dear Dog Shit.....then there are assholes like you out there that couldn't cum if you had a ten star babe in front of them....mainly because of your limp dick !!
2017-01-21 19:44:45 First time sharing my wife! I just finished reading your story. I love the story line, it's very good, but it was really hard to read with the misspelling and poor sentence and paragraph structure. One thing about writing, it's not easy and takes a lot of practice. Hell, I don't even write that good, but it's fun. You need to read through the stories on this site and take note of the good ones, the ones that are easy to read and are structured correctly. Learn from your mistakes. Use spell check on your computer. Microsoft word can help you with your structure and spelling. When you read a bad story, you will recognize it. Good luck with your future attempts.
2017-01-26 14:36:22 Giving Jen The Freedom To Live The word "girth" means distance around (circumference)