Comments from narutoforever

Date Story title Comment
2016-05-26 06:20:23 Denise and Darnell, pt 2 what about a dp let husband fuck her ass because of size difference and if darnell took her ass she would die of being ripped in half. after she gets ass fucked she should have to clean him uo with a great blowjob,
2016-05-26 05:37:58 Turning Tables this was a great story. is there going to be a part 2?
2016-05-19 00:34:55 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 6 Welcome back to the real Guy we all love and miss. Can you see if Syd has any feelings for Guy? There has to be a better way to hurt the responsible people than hurting everyone. Let Guy talk to Carlos and Imelda and Bethany and bring Marta to the meeting and ask about his beatings and find out why it was not stopped when he found out and what the reason they were started in the first place and how a protection group is beating up on students at school and let him get proof to who tried to get Guy killed and if they do not disband he will go to the police and let him find out about the Old Man. He needs to keep up with the revenge and keep bad Guy keep coming to the front so he gets his retribution. I thought he would start coming out when he got stabbed. Let mean Guy come out to PLAY! He deserves it 3 years of pure bullshit no one is that nice. Please do not send Guy on a shooting spree please. He can do just about anything else and I will be cool with as long as it balances out.
2016-05-23 09:21:01 One in a Million Ch. 8 i would love a chapter 9 and some anal with his sister. otherwise a great story all the way through.
2016-05-18 15:14:21 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 6 sorry you had a medical delay glad you are back missed your story have not read it yet but am looking forward to it if it is anything like the first 5 chapters. just glad it was uploaded. keep writing you are a great author. keep up the good work.