Comments from ElfMika

Date Story title Comment
2016-06-03 21:15:49 A New Beginning: Chapter 2_(1) Thanks for the suggestion Naruto, though it seems both a little too well... predictable and generic for the potential future of this particular series. All the best.

2016-06-18 15:39:18 A Damaged Teen Slut (Ch.1-2) That was... simply amazingly written. It was easy to get a feel for each of the characters and to empathize with their problems. A sad, but addicting tale, one which keeps the reader fully hooked. Time to read the rest!
2016-06-19 14:40:37 A New Beginning: Chapter 1_(0) I wonder, did you get that from reading the second chapter? So the plot may be a little generic at times, but it is in no way copied or stolen from another author. The characters and storyline are inspired by circumstances and people I know. Please send me a message if you're concerned, I'm curious where you've seen the story before.
