Comments from ShamelessSexuality

Date Story title Comment
2016-12-19 05:21:33 How I Fell for a Transgendered Lady Could use more proofreading. Was fairly difficult to read.
2016-09-26 05:19:39 The Ravaging In The Forrest My only complaint is that it clearly wasn't proofread. I suggest running everything through Grammarly's checker before posting again. Aside from that, excellent. Hope it gets continued, unlike Caveworms
2017-08-18 05:40:33 my kinky life ...All I'm gonna say is that I highly recommend running your writing through Grammarly or something before posting.
2017-11-01 03:48:46 At the Bridge From Wikipedia:

"Fantasy is a genre of fiction set in a fictional universe, often, but not always, without any locations, events, or people referencing the real world.

Most fantasy uses magic or other supernatural elements as a main plot element, theme, or setting. Magic and magical creatures are common in many of these worlds. Fantasy is a subgenre of speculative fiction and is distinguished from the genres of science fiction and horror by the absence of scientific or macabre themes respectively, though these genres overlap.
In popular culture, the fantasy genre is predominantly of the medievalist form. In its broadest sense, however, fantasy comprises works by many writers, artists, filmmakers, and musicians from ancient myths and legends to many recent and popular works."
2017-11-01 03:51:43 Making Mindy Mine_(0) From Wikipedia:

"Fantasy is a genre of fiction set in a fictional universe, often, but not always, without any locations, events, or people referencing the real world.

Most fantasy uses magic or other supernatural elements as a main plot element, theme, or setting. Magic and magical creatures are common in many of these worlds. Fantasy is a subgenre of speculative fiction and is distinguished from the genres of science fiction and horror by the absence of scientific or macabre themes respectively, though these genres overlap.
In popular culture, the fantasy genre is predominantly of the medievalist form. In its broadest sense, however, fantasy comprises works by many writers, artists, filmmakers, and musicians from ancient myths and legends to many recent and popular works."

As this story does not fit that definition, it should be categorized as Fiction, not Fantasy.