Comments from JC205

Date Story title Comment
2016-09-16 09:43:48 Preacher's Sinful Daughter Chapter 1: Sinning in the Dark great story to read...extra pleasure as i enjoyed good going to read part 2..i'm a wank addict
2016-07-22 15:40:01 Hard Trouble Sleeping_(1) That had me masturbating like crazy....
2016-07-27 21:42:51 Blackmail II Had long hard wank reading these stories.....look forward to future stories when all his friends and Amanda are having sex with her..
2016-08-04 16:41:08 Spanking My Sexy Stepdaughter Enjoyed....covered so much sexual activities...masturbated as I read, added to the do other stories you've written.
2018-12-12 14:55:20 Goliath_(1) got me horny enough to enjoy a good hard wank, but I wouldnt fuck a dog....