Comments from draconias

Date Story title Comment
2018-04-06 11:03:54 My wife and friend part 3 you clearly don't know how to count because you went from story 1 to 3 without a number 2
2018-04-30 00:47:07 A Dude in a Chick's School Part 1 absolute crap i mean come on this is a literal sex story site and there is nothing at all. it is way too short aswell. if you are going to submit a line of stories atleast make them longer than 42 seconds too read please
2021-02-26 21:15:14 Watcher? Chapter II The only thing I can say is your spelling ruins it. You said rap or rapped so many times when it's WRAP OR WRAPPED like you are trying to read a pretty good story and then you kept saying the characters were singing their arms or legs around each other. Not just once but multiple times. It is off putting
2021-02-26 21:38:10 Watcher? Chapter III Again seriously the only thing I can say is your spelling ruins it. You said rap or rapped so many times when it's WRAP OR WRAPPED like you are trying to read a pretty good story and then you kept saying the characters were singing their arms or legs around each other. Not just once but multiple times. It is off putting