Comments from Demonmanga

Date Story title Comment
2019-04-08 06:53:49 Adventures of Sarah - Chapter 5 Really hot!
I want to see were this leads especially for "Tyshawn and Kaylie".
There is a strong potential there.
2019-04-12 21:24:09 Adventures of Sarah - Chapter 6 Upload the next chapter soon please.
2019-04-19 06:27:14 Adventures of Sarah - Chapter 7 Love the whole story.
Keep the chapters coming.
2019-04-26 05:16:19 Adventures of Sarah - Chapter 8 Didn't expect this nice detour from the story, quite creative.
Next Chapter Please.
2019-05-03 07:05:10 Rescued from the Rain Intresting story. So will you continue it or is this where really ends?