Comments from nutzbubby

Date Story title Comment
2017-04-02 16:40:35 Denise the submissive mom_(0) alot of people have read this story would love as many comments or ideas as possible feel free to leave a message thanjs
2017-03-26 20:47:27 I own Joyce part 2 Moms Pov mstrmrd1thks 4 the constructive criticism will keep it in account for part 3
2017-03-25 03:38:59 Denise the submissive mom_(0) why ??? lmfao
2017-03-25 03:37:12 I own Joyce part 2 Moms Pov obviously you enjoy my writing cause you read part 2 also misterjedi thks u dumbass
2017-03-25 03:33:18 I own Joyce_(0) Misterjedi your criticism is not needed or desired.The one who makes useless comments belongs to the DNC .You & they are the true delinquents.I consider myself one of the deplorables