Comments from Imno_Treal

Date Story title Comment
2017-03-26 18:15:29 The School Marm My mother was a teacher in a one room school house in North Dakota in the 1920's.
Her stories of her experiences in the winter are very accurately reflected in this story.
A farmer would loan her a horse so she could get to the school house before the students and get the fire in the stove going and the room heated up before her students arrived.
My father also grew up in North Dakota and lived in a sod hut for a while.
One winter days he left the hut to walk about 200 yards to the barn to tend the animals just as it started to snow. He was able to get back to the soddy three days later. He survived on very fresh milk and chicken eggs.
2019-03-20 17:14:43 The Prophecy Ch. 7 Although the story is good with good plot line and premise all the misspellings, homophones, wrong words, missing words, etc. are driving me nuts.
1. It's shudder NOT shutter.
2. It's "I couldn't care less" not "I could care less".
3. To, Two, Too. Pick one. Almost always you use to when you mean too (also).
4. I quit counting how many times "where" was used instead of "were".
5. It's "til" for until not "till"
I could go on and on.
For Pete's sake! Please get a good copy editor to fix this mess.
2020-01-15 13:21:00 NAKED IN SCHOOL I only checked the first 150 lines but this is a direct copy of the original story written by Karen Wagner (pen name I assume) on on 8/9/202.
Also that story is complete.

You, whoever you are, are a plagiarist.