Comments from Stealth Eagle

Date Story title Comment
2017-06-08 22:41:55 a love story_(2) I think that this story has merits but it also has some rough places. First the story line runs fairly consistent throughout. But You have jumbled everything into one or two paragraphs which makes for a boring read. You also have not finished the story which is a big letdown, what happens to the main characters? Please give us the rest of the story.
2017-06-15 08:01:53 Unemployment Benefits I have read all of your stories this being the last one, and I have enjoyed them. I hope you plan on some more and possibly some short series too. Thank you.
2017-06-16 02:02:09 A Late Night Swim_(1) This is a good story
2017-06-16 05:19:36 Homeless This story is good, and the others I have read are good but too short. You need to give them more meat.
2017-06-16 05:23:56 A New Job - Chapter 2 You need to start with Chapter one. Starting with any other chapter ruins the story. When you have posted Chapter one then I will come back and read both.