Comments from MissiAngelix

Date Story title Comment
2017-06-27 15:06:01 Sleeping Sister_(0) She's gotta look skeletal, 85 pounds and THAT tall? She would have no ass or tits, I have an ex that's 5'9 and 120 lbs and she BARELY has anything, take off 40 lbs from that... I'm pretty sure she'd be almost dead. Don't write a part 2 until you learn how to actually write, the sentence structure and grammar were fucking horrible. I got a headache from reading just the first paragraph.
2017-06-27 15:10:29 Sleeping Sister Part 2 Stop writing. Your grammar, spelling, and sentence structure make it very hard to read. It's not even got anymore, I have a fetish for this sort of thing but your writing is so atrocious my pussy dries up faster than I could finish the first paragraph.
2017-06-27 15:12:09 Sleeping Sister Part 3 Whoever said "great writing skills" is full of shit. The writing here is horrible. Take an English class or two and then try writing another story.
2017-06-27 15:14:17 AJ Lee, Paige and Nikki Bella Please don't ever write again.
2017-07-10 02:43:57 Staying Close to My Sister (and Mom)_(2) "baby goo"? "Fuckstick"? That was the least sexiest thing you could have written. Please don't ever write that again.