Comments from Juuzo

Date Story title Comment
2017-07-05 20:24:33 My Uncle's New Wife; Part 6 Sweet Little Stacy Good job. But that is the most confusing relationship ive ever seen. The son's the daughters brother and uncle, jill is the grandmother to the daughter and the son's mother, and Stacy is the son's half sister and the daughter's mother... I'm so fucking confused. But i loved the story.
2017-07-06 05:09:05 Spying On My Stepsister As She Changes "Anonymous readerReport
2014-10-03 00:15:06
Women should be degraded and used for nothing but sluts men are superior and should fuck women regardless of there age"

Who the fuck seriously thinks this? I fucking hate satanic, controlling, egotistical fucks that see women as a "life support system for a cunt." I'm a dude, so don't you fucking dare say that I'm a chick. But who the fuck would do that!!!

(P.s. I didn't say that I'm a machoist, I like... no, I love... sex. But bondage on a virgin dude with his stepsister, who's dad happens to be an ex-Marine and is now a police chief. And why would tbere be an entrance to the fucking rafters in a public shower, there would be a ceiling, barring the chance to view the people in the shower. This is so disappointing.
2017-07-25 05:26:30 Her First Time With the Dog. Good story, love! It didn't get unrealistic, which is nice sometimes.
2017-07-25 05:39:20 Their Little Secret_(1) While proofreading is nice, I see this as something to go off of, a preamble, so to speak. Good job, love, Please continue when you can.