Comments from Radaghan

Date Story title Comment
2020-11-09 08:23:24 One Long Airplane Ride I don’t know how many international flights you’ve taken, none most likely, but I’ve taken hundreds. Business class is just behind first class, if there is one, in the front of the aircraft and is definitely NOT three seats across! Depending on the plane, the seats are two across at most. And they lay out flat with no way to stretch out across adjacent seats. The protagonist flew economy.
2020-11-09 08:27:34 One Long Airplane Ride Cypriano you’re an ass. Aisle is spelled correctly. “Isle” means, island. And “do” is spelled DO, not DI.
2020-11-09 23:35:54 One Long Airplane Ride Cypriano, my apologies. I misunderstood your intent. You are right. The author misspelled aisle as isle at least twice. There are a lot of other inconsistencies too. At the beginning the author says the marital house was sold and a new one bought just for the protagonist. Later the protagonist states the wife moved out of the current house.