Comments from cfudge

Date Story title Comment
2018-01-14 12:43:10 Flashing My 2nd Cousin LOL @ "He was literally illiterate. Or speechless. Whichever." I'm not making fun. I like that your stories have a stream-of-consciousness feel to them, like you're telling them out loud. What some people might call flaws really add some personality to your writing.
2018-01-21 13:53:29 Neighborhood Teen Fun Mmm... so hot. Can't wait to read about what they try next!
2018-02-02 12:57:02 Sibling Bonding Over Spring Break - Ch. 2 - "Waking Up in Heaven" I was waiting for him to finger her pussy... Maybe next time?
2018-02-02 13:09:25 Sibling Bonding Over Spring Break - Ch. 3 - "The Shower is Third Base"_(0) It's kinda funny that she objects to the word "titties" when her dialogue is so unnatural. (In the last story she said "cover me with semen" -- and who says "semen" in the heat of the moment?) Still, like everyone else, I'm waiting for more. So hot.