Comments from Kennelboy

Date Story title Comment
2019-02-23 02:53:20 The Chair_(4) Bravo, Pablo. You have captured the darkness of the handicapped, and the hope of redemption that lies in allowing other people into their life. I have a relative that is wheelchair bound and cannot escape the dark. I pray someone will bring her joy. Thank you for such a sensitive story.
2019-03-06 17:07:48 The Chauffeur (#29) Selling the Horse Tracks My dear Pablo, you inspire me. I've spent the past three days binge-reading them all. Your plot line has developed to the point that I'm actually involved with your characters, and I find myself actually skipping over the sexy parts to see how the story unfolds. Kudos, Kudos, Kudos! I'm having a bad time trying to PM you, don't know if I haven't posted in the forums enough or what, but I also wanted to thank you for the kind words you posted for my own stories, and am immensely gratified that you added me to your favorites. If you would PM me, we can have a conversation about what I'm currently writing, I'd love to have your input. Keep up the good wortk!