Comments from Big Pickel

Date Story title Comment
2018-03-19 03:06:59 Becoming My Husband's Hotwife (Part 3) Well written story about another girl discovering her love of big cocks. Fortunately for us average guys, not all women enjoy being stuffed.
2018-03-21 02:46:21 Siblings Chain Attraction Pt1 Pay attention to numbers here---
My step sister and I had sex of varying kinds for about 44 years until she died unexpectedly at 56 ten years ago. There was three years difference in our ages but she was actually the one to get stuff started. We never lived in the same house so things were much more infrequent than we would have liked but we were never caught from being careless either. She had sex with both my wives and we miss her terribly as she was absolutely the hottest woman you could hope to know. Great imagination and loved almost everything with a little kink to it. Some of our earliest adventures was her pissing on me at family cookouts (We both wore black pants when we knew we were going to be around each other.). We used anal sex for years for birth control and because we both loved it. She did ass-to-mouth from almost the beginning with no qualms about it. No one outside the four of us were ever told anything until long after her death.
2018-03-23 22:11:47 THUNDER STORM Can't get into the cross-dressing for myself but the rest of the story is quite interesting. No children here so I guess I'll have to share yours. Of course, that is why you relate the story so well, isn't it?
2018-03-29 15:21:00 Dawn's Gang Rape I realize I am 2 1/2 yrs late. Until recently I had never really wanted to cause pain to any of my female "friends". As I am nearly 70 now & have been retired for a while which has allowed for some real thinking time & being able to really dwell on some past situations. As I have finally figured out why some things happened as they did, I would love to have the opportunity to repay a few "favors". Unfortunately two of my subjects have passed on now but the others are still around although they no longer live nearby. I would love to set up a situation just like you did but I would have to curb Dave a bit. I would also video every move that was made from at least two angles. I would want them to know for their last 25 years or so that there was a chance of being exposed to the world. I would also set up a way for the video to be released upon my demise to the porn world's web distribution system. Thanks for an interesting story.
2018-05-09 19:53:51 I love you playing with daddy pt 2 Mu hubby and I were just reading this together. We have no kids but have had a couple of teenager girl toys over the years. I started masturbating in my single digits and truly cannot remember when I didn't cum at least once everyday. We were both raised as only children however he had a step-sister and a half-sister who lived with his father. He had a long sex relationship with the step-sister but nothing with the half. The step and I also had sex for many years. I really wish I had had some sexual relationship with a male regularly in my youth but was technically a virgin until I was 18 in 1971. I fucked my mom's youngest brother once a year or so later but no other incest for me. You write well and I look forward to the rest of the story.