Comments from Curiousreader1167

Date Story title Comment
2020-05-26 15:06:47 The Things We Do at Home - part 5 and final Such an awesome story! i'm sure they'll be reading the comments but if not; let them know it's an awesome story!
Jess & Chris - if you do read this; thank you for sharing your story. I love the honesty in the fact that despite you enjoyed the sexual pieces you both still feel some remorse also. I'm not sure it's that way for everyone but i'm sure it's a very common feeling none the less. I've never personally had any experience with incest but I am in the group you referenced when you stumbled upon the stories that likes to read about them.
I've read ALL the stories from Starry and always look for his stories when they come up.

I truly hope the best for both of you and hope that you're both doing well.
2020-06-08 18:20:35 What a Difference a Summer Makes- Part 4B just found this story a couple days ago and finally caught I Great work though. I find myself feeling very close to Chad. I understand him.
2020-07-13 19:32:55 A Game Of Inches - Conclusion - Epilogue I realize i'm several years behind when this story came out but i hope you're still reading these comments. Absolutely Loved this story! It was amazing and i didn't even care at the lack of sex in it. You actually had tears in my eyes more than a few times. i can only assume that you're a real writer and only write here on the side; but either way, Thank You for this story. I wish this site made it easier to follow authors; i would definitely follow.
2020-07-31 22:14:41 What a Difference a Summer Makes- Part 4C Loved this chapter and really Love this story! You're writing really helps me connect with the characters and the emotions! Great work and can't wait to read many many more chapters.......especially now the next one after that cliff hanger! ;)
2020-08-01 04:53:06 San Diego Vacation (Part 1) Damn that was a build up but very hot!