Comments from Pfiredude

Date Story title Comment
2018-06-25 23:33:18 my name is rex TAKE AN ENGLISH CLASS !!!
2018-06-27 13:57:32 Sinful Needs of the Flesh Chapter 1 I LOVE this story!!! You've gotta continue !!! I had a cousin that that made my sticker peck out as well. Unfortunately in those days it wasn't even considered and I was too young to be original ! DAMN IT !!!
2018-06-27 13:59:51 Sinful Needs of the Flesh Chapter 1 I LOVE this story!!! You've gotta continue !!! I had a cousin that that made my sticker peck out as well. Unfortunately in those days it wasn't even considered and I was too young to be original ! DAMN IT !!!
2018-10-16 18:29:45 A former student One moron (anon) does not a critic Make. if you don't like it, SHUT UP AND MOVE ON !!
2018-10-16 18:32:45 A former student check your shit anon...I see paragraphs and no serious mis-spellings