Comments from RedYeti

Date Story title Comment
2011-01-17 18:43:20 Fallen Fruit – The New Girl Absolutely amazing. Need a sequel for this

One thing: she 'secretes magazines'? I prefer my women to secrete delicious girlcum ;P
2011-04-12 22:05:12 Shelly On The Farm One of the most beautiful stories I have read on here. I found myself hoping with all my heart for Shelly to be saved like that, so I thank you for making it happen :)
2011-05-19 19:24:15 I loved it. Kept up with the progress on the forum, just thought I'd give the story some love over here :) This storyline/twist might be interesting to develop in a threequel...
2011-07-17 14:52:03 "The Routine" - Chapter III Great stories. For some reason I keep hearing Mr North's voice as Director Bullock in American Dad; it's quite unnerving...
2012-02-21 15:58:11 Mind Control Machine The problem isn't posting another author's story here with the intent of giving it a wider audience. It's that s/he has stolen somebody else's series, completely changed the name, not credited the original author and taken the credit for him/herself. It was also already posted on Xnxx Stories by zavax (again without crediting the original author) way back in 2009, so there is absolutely no reason for 'aqswdefrgt' to be posting this here.

This story is actually titled 'Neuro Submission Transmitter' and was posted to L!terot!ca by Samslam. It continues on from this part so go read it there if you enjoyed it.