Comments from Dirty Samone

Date Story title Comment
2018-08-02 22:40:47 I really couldn't help it! You are one of the best writers we have here. I have read 5 in a row now, have had more margaritas than I should have but I cant stop. Most writers in story after story use the same way to make girls cum. You use different ways or terminology. The only one I see you use is "copious". Just every once i a while say "lot of fucking cum". I'm not bitching, just saying in a different way that I love you. Do you ever do women?
2018-08-02 23:12:34 What Mary gets up to...... part 1 I love your stories. I have to set on a towel to keep my chair dry. You make me cum and drip so much. Let me speak to those who bitch about your spelling or punctuation, go fuck yourself. We are here to read porn, and sometimes cum. so go over to some pussy web site where someone will stroke your ego. Tell your mommy and she may bring you a sandwich down to the basement where you live.
2018-08-03 16:35:31 What Mary gets up to...... part 3 Me, under a hairy cunt with a cock in her cunt going at it doggy fashion. Me getting to suck up all the drippings. wow. Thats what I live for.
2018-08-03 16:35:42 What Mary gets up to...... part 3 Me, under a hairy cunt with a cock in her cunt going at it doggy fashion. Me getting to suck up all the drippings. wow. Thats what I live for.
2018-08-03 16:35:42 What Mary gets up to...... part 3 Me, under a hairy cunt with a cock in her cunt going at it doggy fashion. Me getting to suck up all the drippings. wow. Thats what I live for.