Comments from Doozy woof Hunter

Date Story title Comment
2019-11-18 16:56:06 Reborn to be Better Ch 2._(0) Can't wait for the third part!!
2019-11-20 01:58:50 The Dark Stone Got bored half way through - same shit again and again with the mother (ugh) and the old neighbour (ugh again) and I got bored.... the sister was more interesting! I fucked mine when I was 17 and she was 11... I like young...
I will try and pick this story up again, as I really want to know what the writer's fixation with wedding rings is?
2019-11-22 16:33:08 The Rivers Bounty Da fug did I just read ????
2019-11-22 22:44:29 A concert fling YAAAWN - crap story, badly formatted and oh yeah - YAAAAWN
2019-11-23 03:03:56 my naughty school girl utter fucking crap - are you like 12 or something???