Comments from Doozy woof Hunter

Date Story title Comment
2021-01-14 20:27:09 Twins --And ones a virgin Bo Peep - Of course a penis can penetrate a cervix! Never found a big enough cock in your life?
Well written story tho!
2021-01-14 22:32:32 An Indian Adventure Enjoyable story! The girl must have been in heaven, if she only had skinny Indian dicks before - I had a hooker friend that said Indian guys were so small, she couldn't believe the Kama Sutra was written by Indian people. Had an Indian girl once - she was very good in bed and smelled like curry, which was a big turn on!
2021-01-16 00:08:23 Finding bliss with my sister Was fun!
2021-02-09 17:56:43 Casual Sex - Sibling Style Great story! But we expect that from Mystic 47 :)
2021-02-09 15:07:22 Watching Davie decent story - 8/10