Comments from Diver1000

Date Story title Comment
2019-08-28 19:28:28 WHERE AM I? WHO AM I? AND WHY AM I? (edited) James, thank you for the many great stories. I will miss your writings and style. I have much enjoyed many of your stories and still have a few left to read. Fair well and God speed.
2019-10-12 00:54:47 Bread and Butter This is a beautiful story and I hope you will continue it. As for JhnSmth, not all Marines came home angry and unfeeling. Most I have known, including my father, had a very kind and loving side to them as well as the stereo-type Marine side.
2020-05-05 21:58:11 Curious Siblings (Part 1) Love it. Waiting for chapter 2.
2020-07-24 15:37:01 Becoming a bitch - Chapter 1 Hope there's a part two.
2020-09-04 20:16:51 Suzy’s Initiation Love your story. Can't wait for chapter 2. You have great writing skills as well.