Comments from marclind38

Date Story title Comment
2009-07-29 17:29:28 Measuring my cum pt 5 I'll be reading part six and all the ones following. Great stuff.
2009-07-30 17:19:40 Nora Absolutely great story. Wonderfully written and so sexy. Keep writing, please.
2009-07-31 16:44:41 History Repeats Inc. Really enjoyed the way you went back and forth in their lives and how they enjoyed at an early age the pleasures of man/boy sex.
2009-08-11 15:49:20 Alma: Part One Andy sure seemss to have done this before. It's a great start. Extremely arousing. Hope you writet a lot more.
2009-08-11 16:05:47 Help for a friend Bet part two will be great.