Comments from Silverhand

Date Story title Comment
2020-03-06 13:54:39 should I get married? you need an editor - some silly typos - saw Mary as Marry for instance
Generally promising but no real focus in the story just a list of events - maybe develop the various bits
Don't take this as a knockback rather it is meant as an encouragement as to where you might develop a little
2020-04-30 16:52:28 Skeletons in my Closet part c Loving this story - readable and credible
2020-08-01 18:32:08 Becoming a bitch - Chapter 2 hmmm Butch in Chapter 1 and Brute in Chapter 2?
Good story though - keep going
2020-08-03 00:42:49 HOBO Chapter 16 Read your first two stories a long while back and enjoyed them. However n my humble opinion this is better than either.
I also read of your health issues - good luck with that and keep writing you have a talent
2020-09-17 22:33:18 HOBO 19 & 20 ( The End) sad to see the end of an absorbing story
If you have lost a wife, husband, partner you know the special type of pain described so eloquently here. You also understand the sense of giving up.
People who experience that kind of loss to a bad illness be it Cancer or Heart Disease or similar do get tired indeed some just become afraid!
Losing one partner to illness is tragic imagine the pain of losing a second one! That is the fear that makes you afraid that is why you just give up
For anyone reading who has experienced it and doesnt know.. Go get Counselling - it may not fix you but it sure wont hurt you
Thank you Rhiannon another excellent story
Please keep them coming