Comments from Eupatrid

Date Story title Comment
2019-04-08 01:44:33 Queen Yavara: Chapter 1 Wow. Really wonderful start. As always, you paint the scenes beautifully and hint at more complex world-building that I just can’t wait to explore. Yavara is an interesting and entertaining character whose descent into debauchery will certainly be a wild ride for everyone; you’ve put a lot of time into writing her - I can tell. By far the best part of this story - even better than the unmatched eroticism of the sex scenes - is the language. You’re a sexual thesaurus, White Walls. I’ve always taken a healthy amount of pride in my ability to turn a phrase, but it’s such a pleasure to read your stories and see a real master in action. You wield language expertly, and it elevates your writing that much more. Can’t wait to read more.
2019-05-14 18:56:38 Agent of Lilith: Chapter 13 The climactic final chapter will be posted soon - and it’s a long one!
2019-08-09 23:43:29 The Pit_(0) Dark, wonderfully dark. Your writing is beautiful; I enjoyed this story immensely. I’m eager to see more from you.
2019-08-09 23:43:47 The Pit_(0) Dark, wonderfully dark. Your writing is beautiful; I enjoyed this story immensely. I’m eager to see more from you.