Comments from Tactical

Date Story title Comment
2019-02-03 06:46:02 One in a Million Ch.11 I read this story recently, it's good. But it's been nearly 16 months you posted this part. It is an interesting story so we'd like to read the next part soon.
2019-02-03 06:47:53 One in a Million Ch.11 Atleast inform your readers of in case you've decided to stop posting.
Just don't keep us hanging.
Atleast reply
2019-02-03 06:54:35 The Rocker Part 7_(2) Way to go Man
You posted all 7 parts on the same day and I read them in single day lol.
So I think it'll be some time before we read the next part.
2019-02-03 06:56:15 The Rocker Part 7_(2) Great story man
2019-02-03 07:54:03 Being More Social - Chapters 11-15 Post the next post as soon as possible please.