Comments from johnc351

Date Story title Comment
2019-03-18 02:15:06 MY COLONOSCOPY (Humor) came across this crazy story and got to first dose of koli-kleen, the next 4 paragraphs had to stop reading or die laughing, i did like his final comment
2019-03-18 07:47:33 Retired - Chapter Eleven – Un-Fucking-Believable I've just sat here today and read this story from start to finish (well actually I hope not the finish), there were segments within this story that had done something I never do, bring tears to me eyes,,, Un-Fucking-Believable ,,,,,Cheers.....
2019-03-19 00:45:56 A Sorcerer in Downtown Atlanta Ch. 15 and the plot thickens, keep up the good work and thanks for the continuing tales
2019-03-19 07:14:54 A New Kind of Lesson im wondering if there will a continuance of this interesting saga, and what mother dear has planned for the future (kinky bitch)
2019-03-22 00:55:13 JC gets lucky I remember something similar this actually happened to me, and yes i go by the name JC.