Comments from TheDevilsOwn

Date Story title Comment
2021-08-21 15:46:59 The Bite Chapter 5 Yes, you definitely need at least another chapter to conclude this story so I hope you are working on one.
2021-09-01 22:56:34 The Taming of Britt---pt 1 I can understand why you didn't write another chapter to this considering the rating you have on it but I think it's very good and deserves a finish even if it's only a second chapter. I frequently suffer through the same thing in this stupid popularity contest. None of the chapters of my story are over 90% but I've come to the point that I don't care...I write because I like to not because I care about it being popular. There is to much jealousy on this site.
2021-09-03 19:33:10 Hurt Me, Daddy Very nice start, this deserves at least another chapter.
2021-09-12 01:01:18 Vanessa gets the dick she wants, Part 1 Do you know what paragraphs are? Without your use of them, this story, which started with some merit, quickly became unreadable as the words kind of merged together.

Try formatting your story better and repost it.
2021-09-12 01:53:45 The Dorm Room This story definitely needs more chapters.