Comments from GustavoVzla

Date Story title Comment
2020-06-20 09:13:23 The Meeting_(0) Wow, Rachael, I have no words to express what I feel after reading this little work of art of yours. Maybe at another time I can make a more objective analysis of your writing. At this moment I can only say that I am overwhelmed by your ability as a writer.
Thank you ! ! . . .
Your skill is so magical . . .
Do not stop writing ! !
You are incredibly special ! !
2020-06-20 10:33:36 The Switch - part 1 good begining . . .
2020-06-20 17:03:18 Working away Another great story
I love it
Thanks Rachael
2020-06-20 17:55:14 Shouldn't That Scare me More? It is not my genre, but seeing the favorites of writers that I respect or admire, I decided to give it a try.
Very well written. Nice job. You have talent . . .
I'll be looking for your other writings . . .
2020-06-20 22:05:12 Ripe; chapter one Very good story.
Excellent management of Sabrina's emotional state.
Absolutely realistic.
This story requires several more chapters.
You are a very gifted writer