Comments from James_Gina

Date Story title Comment
2019-10-15 00:59:11 How Polygamy Begins - 1 Thanks everyone for the advice. My apologies for grammar and spelling mistakes, I normally proof, but this was a first draft that I rushed. I promise part 2 will be much better. I’ve already reformatted as suggested, and will proof it several times before posting. I’m 3-5 pages from finishing part 2. Thanks again for the comments!
2019-10-19 14:52:05 How Polygamy Begins - 1 Part 2 posted - just waiting for censor to approve. I have also updated part 1 in the format everyone requested. It will be updated after part 2 has published. Thanks for the support!
2019-10-22 17:21:39 How Polygamy Begins - 1(rev) So this (Rev) is identical in scope to part 1. I changed the format and proofed it. So if you already read [How Polygamy Begins - 1], you won't get anything additional from reading the REV. I will be deleting the original in a few days. Thanks!
2019-10-30 17:56:47 A Family Betrayal Chapter 1 So this is a good story, just know that after 42 chapters, Hawk never finished. So just know, if you start, you will have to make up the ending in your own mind!! There is an alternate ending chapter 39, so I would read that and quit. So frustrated right now!!!!
2019-11-05 23:47:41 How Polygamy Begins - 2 Working on chapter 3, hope to have it and subsequent chapters completed about once a month. Rest assured, I will bring any story I write to a conclusion. Nothing pisses me off more than getting into a great story, to find it incomplete and the last post was 3+ years ago!