Comments from relator242

Date Story title Comment
2020-01-14 03:23:01 Snowbound Encounter Loved the action fell envious from both Shari and Rex
2020-01-16 03:26:41 The Neighbor's Son Part 2 Only once we had a threesome teenager tryst , somehow this brought back memories, my refusal to do oral, made difficult to tofully participate
2020-01-16 04:38:25 Have Hands--Will Travel_(0) Where do igo to learn this type of massage?
2020-01-17 05:12:14 My Awakeining_(1) almost imposible to read, good stories though get them proof read!
2020-01-22 01:02:39 It Started Here. 3 I had a very similar experience with an stepbrother 4 or 5 years older. one point, i never felt any pain, just pleasuree from the first time