Comments from Story Teller 101

Date Story title Comment
2020-08-18 07:10:49 Stephanie's Back Door I hope you had as much fun writing this as I had reading it. Great story deserving of a second chapter.
2020-11-07 04:23:35 Sharing Ruth - Chapter 1 Sabrenut, yes, attention deficiency is a bitch isn't it.
2020-11-10 03:10:56 Sharing Ruth - Chapter 1 fbailey, you need to get out
2020-11-27 02:40:08 Dog desire - Chapter 7 Eprise01 & happyhornydog, thanks for the comments. Appreciated. No I don't have personal experience but the subject of women having sex with animals does intrigue me.
2020-12-24 03:03:07 Educating Cathy - Chapter 01 Yes Doozy. I like to keep them short. Short and sweet and make you look for more.