Comments from throatwarbler mangrove

Date Story title Comment
2021-01-15 16:53:33 Godless and Faithless:2 Ch 1 Please keep posting more! This is a fantastic, fun series. The world you've built makes sense within itself (a lot of fantasy worlds don't). The RPG angle is fun and the god mechanic makes it unique. You've written an adventure that moves swiftly along with engaging well rounded characters that are developing in interesting ways. And not just Axel and Raynor. I find myself rooting for Vix's goblin independence movement and wondering if Madame Grace has already figured out the Axel and Raynor are from another world. This is the only series of stories here that I have both binge read and gone looking for more posted elsewhere is not purely erotica. I actually registered here just so I could say nice things about this story and give it the the extra credit upvotes that come with registered accounts. That's how much I like it.

Please keep posting I want to know what happens next.
2021-01-15 16:59:09 Godless and Faithless 2 Ch 5 Please sir, may we have some more?