Comments from Smoove Runna

Date Story title Comment
2021-11-12 19:32:29 Tom's parallel world This series is a classic. The story, the narrative and just the great fun reading it nearly overshadows the erotica, which is hot and heavy.

Many thanks to Nelly for the effort and genius to create this beautiful story.
2021-11-16 15:04:52 A Game of Inches - Part One. I enjoyed the story. To the people who criticize, move on. Writing takes work and good writing takes a lot of work. We share with you and do so willingly, but we are not a forum pinata. Share your appreciation. Thanks !
2021-12-08 20:24:08 My Aunt Leah (revised) Thanks for noticing HappyHornDog. I revised the stories to make it right.
To the readers: Do you know how effing great it is to get a one hundred percent rating on the first three hundred votes? It's massive. I am a technical writer and illustrator by trade but have never published and I write stories in my easy chair with pen and paper and one day decided to toss them out into etherspace.
I have hundreds more and although it is a chore and a risk (I'm a very private person) with this kind of encouragement I could be persuaded to put more out there.

Be well, have fun and keep cool.

2022-05-27 15:13:49 Awakened Excellent. Great story. Great writing