Comments from JadeGrey

Date Story title Comment
2021-08-28 18:28:40 My Friend My Cousin Marie part II MT- Another great chapter to this erotic story. Your de***********ions of her body and the way things felt brought this clearer and closer to reality in my mind. Good work!
2021-08-28 19:50:42 Cum Medicine Love it! I can’t wait to read your de***********ion of Kristin’s tiny body getting ravaged… great start!
2022-01-03 23:59:34 Bee Stings Great story! Very well written and arousing to read. Your thorough de***********ions of her body put the images clearly in my mind, and I could totally imagine being torn between sexual urges and ‘doing the right thing’, just as you built up in the story. Well done!
2022-08-22 19:59:03 1- My high School Sweetheart's Young Sister Part 1 theheathenjay,
Thank you for your supportive comments on my posts. Positive votes and comments such as yours give me incentive to write more :)
2023-06-05 03:34:45 Part (14) The Duplex (Maria’s daughter, Isabella) If you have read through this entire 14-part series, please know I truly appreciate your perseverance. I realize these long-winded stories are aren’t the typical ‘sex stories’ found on this forum, but I wrote them based on the situations and fantasies I had during those times. Shortly after this I bought a house in a different neighborhood where there were NO sexual opportunities of any kind. This change may have saved me from myself, but I miss the old neighborhood to this day