Comments from TotalPerv0
Date | Story title | Comment |
2008-06-30 00:14:40 | Our New Neighbors - Ch02: Clara's Introduction | I'm so glad the first two chapters have been so well-received. I'm posting Ch3 now, and I'll hopefully get Ch4 up tonight as well (after one more read-through). |
2008-07-05 12:43:52 | Our New Neighbors - Ch05: Midnight Surprises | DEAR READERS, I have 8 more chapters in this series, but I'm going to take a short break from posting. I would love to get more feedback and more positive votes in the meantime. I'm just a regular guy who likes to feel appreciated for my hard work. I'm also going to start posting some other stories from outside this series. The next chapter (6) is one of the hottest in the series. But Chapter 9 (I think) is the one that will really blow your minds. So please go back through my stories and give them positive votes and comments so that I can see you're really enjoying this and it's worth my while. Thanks for all the support. More hot stuff coming soon! |
2008-07-06 12:38:21 | Our New Neighbors - Ch05: Midnight Surprises | Thanks for all the feedback, you guys! I wish someone would explain why my stories' ratings are all plummeting, but as long as you all keep telling me why you do like them, I'm game. I'm only taking a short break from posting in this series because I need to rework a chapter, and it's taking a lot of work, and I just want to know you guys are digging this enough that I should keep going. That's all. But the good news is I'm working on some material that is outside the main flow of this story, involving the same storyline/characters, that I hope will tide you over. There's lots more coming soon, including: a party at Luke and Alyssa's house, Clara and Alyssa's first week back to school, a visit from Matt and Clara's cousin, an evening with Clara's stuck-up friends, outside adventures of ALL SIX of the main characters -- and that's not even to mention Chapter 6! |
2008-07-09 22:30:04 | Our New Neighbors - Supplement 01: Clara’s Diary | Thanks for all the comments! It's going to be a tough call re the next diary entry. I kinda wanna do young Maxine, but Alyssa might have to do. And there are LOTS more characters coming in the next 8 chapters, plus in the diaries, so don't worry. |