Comments from T140

Date Story title Comment
2024-05-11 17:55:34 Cutie in the Lamp Part 2 Having read both parts posted so far this should turn into a very interesting saga.

Keep up the good work!
2024-05-21 21:40:41 Cutie in the Lamp Part 2 I quite agree with you. If a story has a developing narrative that brings the characters into the perspective then it is far e the story more interesting to read. A good example of this is the 'Hobo' series where the unfolding of the main characters life with all of its ups and downs made it facinating reading for me.
I am trying to expand my story 'Elise' in th same vein even though it is partially ficticious but based on a factual core.

Waiting patiently for your part 3 and what adventures your characters get up to!
2024-08-15 02:28:52 Im not Wearing a Bra or Panties You could have ecpanded the physical action between your characters to make this story more detailed and then get more reads. The initial de***********ion held more than the sexual encounter.
Promising start tjough.
2024-08-15 02:30:22 Im not Wearing a Bra or Panties You could have expanded the physical action between your characters to make this story more detailed and then get more reads. The initial desc-ription held more than the sexual encounter.
Promising start though.
2024-08-15 02:32:36 Im not Wearing a Bra or Panties Damned phone keypads! At least I have found a way around the scr-ipt (***********) starring!