Comments from Blaq_Kitten

Date Story title Comment
2009-07-02 00:35:56 Do you dream about little girls? and, btw, the comment below is mine, forgot to sign in, sorry- don't like being one of those people that spouts off crap under the anonymous cloak of 'READER'. so, the comment made at 00:28:33 is from me.
2009-07-07 17:43:41 The Belonging, Part 2 well this isn't for everyone's tastes, but when i see 'YOUNG' as a category, that's what i write for. nothing more irritating than looking at a story labeled 'young', and the character is 16. because, you know, that would fall into the 'TEEN' category, and not 'young'. but as it gets back to part one, the female characters will progress in age.
2009-09-04 10:56:49 great story- this definitely reminded me of myself at that age! can't wait to read more. nice work!