Comments from seeminglysatisfied

Date Story title Comment
2010-05-07 18:51:53 A fan of yours
2010-05-07 14:54:40
Nice, good point, great to see someone saying to wantsomfin just what he/she/it deserves [for a change]. I think that a few select people in this contest have such a high falutin idea of their own whatever, that they really can't stand comments about their writing that is anything other than ebulient praise and rosebuds and sugar. Good on ya for giving it right back at that turd.

People on here need to stop using other people's account names for comments. If you can't identify yourself fuck off. Give me cheers for responding and remain anonymous like everyone else. Great job!
2010-06-28 12:46:28 Growing Up In the Backwoods of Alaska As it appears to be a first effort I thought it was decently written. The story flowed but there were some continuity issues. The actions in the story were sudden in some parts while in others they occurred in real time. Keep writing because only with practice will you improve - and proofread too!
2010-07-13 18:10:46 The Red Fang, Ch 1 Pt 1 The only way to improve your craft is to practice.

And I don't see what english classes have to do with your story. There isn't a problem I can see with what you write.
2010-07-13 18:23:15 The Red Fang Ch 1 Pt 2 Enjoyed this one too. You weave quite a web with the lycans and such. Very nice work.
2010-07-17 20:14:59 I like the ending especially.