Comments from Bobbyqc

Date Story title Comment
2011-07-23 08:10:12 MY SISTER & THE EXCHANGE STUDENT PART 2 DINNER Very nicley done, looking forward to reading more, I like stories with a tease , at the table that was just the right choice.
I can remember my teaseasing sister it was fun while it lasted .
2011-08-27 09:26:49 My First Time With Sarah Part 2: She Had Me So Close Very nicely done, please if you have time write more, I like it when things are taken slowly . Your storiy brought back a lot of fine memories with my girl Joyce . I have tried to wrtie about her and I but have troulbe putting it down in words . The ones I have posted were just parts of what I started Yours are more like what i wanted to write in the begining

Keep you the good work if you can locking for more
2011-09-23 20:23:40 Feeling My Daughter: Part One this is very good, well writen, nice , calm , quiet , priming and probing I do not like the slam bang stuff

I hope you write more
2011-10-24 19:27:36 Moms Kids 3 Very nice, well written easy to read easy to follow
keeps you up
2011-10-29 08:56:22 MY SISTER & THE EXCHANGE STUDENT PART 10 CONSPIRATORS Always nice to a continued story well put together
good stuff takes time, there is no need to excuse yourself for a delay between i am sure we the readers will wait patiently