Comments from Yvonne

Date Story title Comment
2011-09-17 00:15:50 The cuckold. I've completely misinterpreted what men are looking for in this type of story. Perhaps some other women might like reading of treating men in the way that Sophie does here. Anyhow, I've asked the site controller to remove the story. Perhaps I'll tackle it again from a different perspective at some later date.
2011-09-26 17:07:30 Naked in the night I do wish that people woundn't be so nasty to each other, and say such horrible things, I really don't like it.
If one person says horrible things about me or my writing, it is no reason why others should react in a similar way in response. It's all so nasty, and it upsets me to see it; please don't. I know that my stories might be silly in parts, but I try my best to write what I think will make you feel sexy and excited..
2012-03-29 15:39:03 Newly weds love nest The last person to comment, has made an error in saying that my story is true; if you check again, you'll see that it's not listed as true at all.
I can tell readers though, that the very beginnings are based on my true experience, and it's where I got the idea for the story.
My husband and I did in fact, when first married, move into a house where our neighbour was an old pervert just like Tony in this story. I was quite aware that he used to look out for me, and take every oppotrunity to talk to me whenever my husband was not at home. He used to use a lot of suggestive innuendo when talking to me, but that's as far as it ever went.
2013-01-01 16:51:59 A motel to remember Well I do try to write what men like. If people write nasty things about them, i'll not bother any more.
2013-01-23 12:59:05 The physiotherapist How disappointing; it looks like this is yet another one of my stories that is a flop. I wish somebody would tell me what is wrong with my stories, so that I could try to improve. I don't mind you rating them down if you think that they're bad enough, but I just don't know how to improve my writing.