2010-11-14 13:13:47 |
Our Honeymoon, But NO PUSSY for the New Hubby!
Just what am I supposed to do? This WAS our honeymoon and this big black guy has taken my bride to do with as he pleases and she’s perfectly willing to do what ever he wants! I don’t understand how this happened!” This is what you wrote. I would know what to do with her. I would leave hjer ass stranded and go annul the marriage. I don't care that she had been given happy pills or whatever. She was the worst kind of a skank. You writers take a lot of liscense and I can understand that6 but he should have killed every nigger in Bali. Some writers think it's sexy to fuck a nigger. I'm from Alabama and I think it's disgusting. Fucking animals is of just not niggers. Your story stinks and smells like shit. Kill a nigger for fun just kill niggers |