Comments from milliemay60

Date Story title Comment
2009-02-25 23:43:06 Haley's Au Pair Adventure Hey guys! Thank you for all the lovely comments. I'm working on a chapter 2 but it will probably be a few days before it is up and running. Until then, I greatly appreciate any feedback and love the positive ratings :)
2009-02-27 01:00:41 Fourth Draft of an Autobiography seriously some of the best work i have ever seen on this site. I am anxiously waiting for your next chapter and I'm sad it's ending!!!
2009-02-27 01:03:56 Haley's Au Pair Adventure 140 pound girls with big boobs can be athletic and toned. But thank you for the comment nontheless.
2009-02-28 00:57:23 Haley's Au Pair Adventure i appreciate everyone's comments- but let's not argue over looks thank you! :D
2009-03-06 00:06:12 Haley's Au Pair Adventure Hey all, I am working on a second part, just having a hard time coming up with ideas to make it really awesome. I should have it up within the next week. Thank you for your patience! :D