Comments from Bartimeaus

Date Story title Comment
2009-04-19 20:16:00 Strip Poker 2000 Ok Peoples. When I get either 5000 readers or 100 Comments Ill be releasing Part 2.
Harken Wins the special advanced veiwing for being first commenter. Ill also give it to 10th and 50th. When I finish writing it. Dw wont take long, Im up to page 9 :D
2009-04-19 20:24:09 Strip Poker 2000 Since it Appears there is no Harken on the forums, I can't send him the story :( Ohwell NEXT COMMENT GETS IT. LEAVE YOUR FORUM NAME!
2009-05-06 07:15:41 Strip Poker 2000 Part 2 Unfortunantly I haven't been feeling my best so there might be some wait for the next part of this story. Most likely around June-July since I should have the time then (Sick + Work dont really mix well for free time)
2009-06-10 07:26:01 Strip Poker 2000 Part 2 Ok. I knows. Long wait, but by the 1st week of july. I PROMISE i will get the third story out. to make up for it itll be a bit longer.

I will disclose the main people.

me obviously (and a huge suprise, i reveal my name {Woo yay hurray}), dylan, rebecca, matt, annabelle, kaya, And a new MYSTERY CHARACTER!

And its set on a boat :D

wish me luck.
2009-07-09 11:23:15 Strip Poker 2000 Part 3 Sorry Guys. For some reason (Either it was too long or it just doesn't like me), The end of this story got cut off. I'll try and Comment Post it.