Comments from Stolen Moments

Date Story title Comment
2009-05-03 19:49:58 Eve and the Peeping Tom Several people commented that I set this story up, but didn't give enough detail of the abuse. To correct this I've written a sequel to this story -
look for: "Sequel to Eve and the Peeping Tom"
2009-05-30 17:19:02 Eve in the men's toilet. (Warning: disgusting filth) It's only a story .... some people get off on this sort of thing, (as the two previous comments show.)
... and why did you read it right through if you don't like this sort of thing - I did tell you not to at the start.
2009-06-01 17:24:01 Eve in the men's toilet. (Warning: disgusting filth) The most disgusting thing you've ever read - I take that as a huge compliment as, in writing that story, I set out to try to make it really vile and disgusting.
I did mention in the intro that it would only suit a small niche of readers, and I have had some very positive private responses.
2009-07-25 03:44:11 Eve in the men's toilet. (Warning: disgusting filth) Most people are disgusted by this sort of thing; a number of men however, have sent messages of appreciation and have asked me to write far more sickening things than I have here. To satisfy these men, and any others like them, I am working on a continuation of the story, but many times more crude with some really appalling scenes as have been suggested..
I'm prepared to make this sequel privately available, but only to those men who demonstrate that they do get off over such grossly vile stories.
2009-07-25 17:58:36 Eve in the men's toilet. (Warning: disgusting filth) Stolen Moments.

Most people are disgusted by this sort of thing; a number of men however, have sent messages of appreciation and have asked me to write far more sickening things than I have here. To satisfy these men, and any others like them, I am working on a continuation of the story, but many times more crude with some really appalling scenes as have been suggested..
I'm prepared to make this sequel privately available, but only to those men who demonstrate that they do get off over such grossly vile stories.
I've resubmitted this message because for some reason my name only came up as 'Reader".
Moderator - feel free to delete my earlier post if you wish.