Comments from samo_doctor

Date Story title Comment
2009-06-25 02:48:05 Transcendent to READER
2009-06-23 21:11:31

You are wrong here...Transcendent was the first snuff story I have read, "written by women", where a woman is the killer,...a

strong fetish of mine ( and a convincing killer too...)...because of this is still one of the stories I am most attached to...

if is indeed "written by women"... ...unfortunately no sequels to it... has nothing to do at all with Jeff's stories,,...Jeff's villain is a cold blooded murderer, Coldcase's are first time

murderers and by chance ( Lily apart of course...)

OK!, writers have the rights to write what they please, whether readers like it or not... but readers have expectations

sometimes...whether writers like it or not...
Just a criticism intended...
2010-07-07 10:39:56 The dead Girl WOW! and I mean WOW...haven't been here in a while but boy!.. a woman writing stories like this I haven't seen in a while...Do continue, disregards idiots who can not make a difference btw reaality and fantasies
2010-07-16 10:46:58 The dead Girl why waiting till 60%? more stories and make me happy...
Just make the woman character more active...I like women killers...
2016-05-05 14:38:03 Gabriella - Powder Room Debauchery yau are a new discovery to me...very well written stories which feed my fantasies...please continue to beat kill and abuse in your stories...
2016-05-05 16:22:24 A Couple’s Dark Secret-Kayleigh Hi Sweetcandy...why don't you write new stories insteat of looking for the old ones?...your old friend Sam