Comments from JackEds

Date Story title Comment
2009-09-24 23:46:22 Well, thanks, guys! That is encouraging; encouraging enough that I may try to find an editor and get some help with this.
2009-09-25 22:42:38 Now *that* was funny! LOL
2009-10-02 17:20:36 Bummer. I saw that, very quickly, this story had a couple hundred reads, then I got one negative rating which dropped the rating for the story to 50% and readerships has pretty much stopped. I've already queued up two more installements in this series, but obviously, this isn't an idea that people are going to go for. I'll work on something else.
2009-10-04 15:58:54 These were meant to be read in order, and I stated at the beginning of Alexis that these were true stories that had been related to me by friends and readers, which I am retelling, dramatized, after getting a few details. I was the guy on IM in Alex. A young friend was the guy who crawled in the window in this one. I don't care if you guys switch them to fiction, but they are true stories.
2009-11-09 22:33:31 Thanks for recognizing that these were stories that were told to me. Many of these, I got from guys who were bi, or had experiences with other guys.